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Barachel Christian Academy
Slipper Day 2018

The Reach for a Dream Foundation has an annual Slipper Day where everyone is asked to buy a wristband to support the foundation in assisting children with life threatening health conditions. When a child receives a diagnosis, it disrupts everyday life for the entire family unit and destroys what we define as a normal life. At an age where life is supposed to be innocent and full of joy, these children with life-threatening illnesses are faced with difficult and demanding situations, isolating them for long periods of time, from peers and friends.
As one of our Community Outreach projects students get to wear their slippers and buy a wristband and the proceeds all go to the Reach for a Dream Foundation.
World Kidney Day 14 March 2019.
In 2019, in addition to the Reach for a dream foundation, Barachel supported the the Kidney Bean Trust, which is an NPO that supports children with the life threatening kidney disease.
As termed the "takkie day, learners wore their takkies to school and paid a small fee of which all funds collected were donated to the Kidney Bean Trust.
Mrs Londiwe Madisakwane, the Barachel tuckshop lady’s daughter suffers from fsgs a kidney disease that is resistant to treatment. Younger daughter Opelong was diagnosed when she was two and her kidneys failed when she was 6 years old. Her elder daughter Keamogetswe was diagnosed when she was 10 and her kidneys failed when she was 14. It took both of them 4 years for their kidneys to completely fail. Opelong was on dialysis for a short while and received her kidney transplant on the 1st of February 2014. She is doing very well. Keamogetswe is currently on dialysis and will soon receive her kidney from her dad. This would not have been possible without the help of the kidney beanz trust;
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”

In 2016, the learners collected water to send to Kroonstad, in the Free State, where the town’s water taps had gone dry. As early as 8am people would line up with just about anything that can hold water, to receive a small share from a tanker sent by the Department of Water and Sanitation.

In 2015, the learners donated non perishable foods which were sent to Carryou Ministries in Toekomsrus, the centre cares for orphans, vulnerable children and sick people in Randfontein, South Africa as well as in surrounding rural areas. The learners also helped prepare lunch for the children that day and helped with homework as well as play with the children.

Choir practice

Weekly assembly everyone gets to sing.

Learning Centre!


The ABC''s of ACE
School of Tomorrow's ABC's with ACE and CHRISTI learning-to-read programme has proved to be an excellent tool in teaching children to read and has a wonderful success rate. It lays a solid foundation of the alphabet, enables children to recognize alphabet letters and to know and say phonic sounds, learned through animal cartoon stories, which are simple to understand and identify with. It also encompasses the different senses in learning the alphabet and enables children to master sounds through songs, stories, role-play, written work and tactile feeling of the letters.