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Policy of Barachel Christian Academy.



Barachel Christian Academy is an Independent Christian School, which uses the Revised National Curriculum Statement update.  Learner and teacher support materials are supplied by Accelerated Christian Education SA.


Admissions Policy:

Barachel has an open policy with regard to student admission.  Any student whose parents are willing to pay the school fees and who understand and agree to the Christian character of the school may attend the Academy.

All students undergo a Diagnostic Test.  The results of this test determine the Level at which the student will begin working.  All results are shown to the parents and carefully explained in terms of the implication to the student’s future progress.  The school admits learners from Grade 0 to Grade 12. 


A contract is drawn up on admission between the parents and the school.


The school has a code of conduct and uniform policy which parents are required to agree to and sign.

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To provide an excellent education for the children of our community

that points them to a living relationship with Christ and which is based on

Biblical values.

  1. For each pupil to develop spiritually, in character growth, academically, socially and physically to the best of their potential.  In this way the pupils will become those who take the good news of the gospel of Christ wherever they go.

  2. To encourage each child to make a personal decision to know Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior.

  3. To encourage those children who know Him to attain a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus, and to experience the purity and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

  4. To provide an environment in which children will be stimulated to enjoy learning.  To provide the best possible academic programme and teaching aids.

  5. To assist the pupils to become problem – solvers and leaders in whichever field God directs, and to become effective citizens and a positive force in society.

  6. To train pupils to respect themselves, others, (their persons, dignity and possessions) and their environment.

  7. To emphasize the individuality of each child;

    • to help each child to respond to him/herself and others;

    • to help each child to develop self-confidence, self discipline and responsibility;

    • to help each child to develop God-given talents;

    • to develop a positive success orientated outlook on life and a desire for excellence in all aspects of life.



Pupils are required to adhere to the following school rules, parents are required to support these rules and ensure that their responsibilities are carried out correctly:

  1. To be punctual for all school activities

  2. To take pride in their school uniform.  Incomplete and untidy school uniform is unacceptable both on and off school grounds.

  3. To respect the person, dignity and property of other pupils.

  4. To refrain from interfering with the school or church property.  E.g. fire hydrants, electrical installations, musical instruments, sound equipment etc.

  5. To refrain from vandalizing desks and walls etc.

  6. To refrain from littering.

  7. Toilets, change-rooms, learning centers and classrooms to be kept clean and tidy.

  8. Water must be conserved.

  9. To greet and respect all members of staff and other adults.

  10. To refrain from any games or playground activities that could be harmful to others.

  11. To refrain from any form of substance abuse.

  12. No pupils may leave the school grounds without special permission from a staff member during school.

  13. All absentee notes are to be handed to the supervisor on return from a period of absence from the school.

  14. Pupils may not use the telephone.  A staff member may telephone on behalf of the pupil should circumstances require it.

  15. Out of bounds areas before school, during breaks and after school:



The school’s stance on discipline is explained to all parents during Parent training.

Barachel Christian Academy believes in and practices a Biblical approach to discipline.  The school is governed by the values, norms and codes of conduct laid down in the Bible and practiced by the Christian community.

Discipline is based on love, care and concern for the child.  External discipline is applied when internal of self-discipline still needs to be trained in the life of the child.  External discipline leads to self-discipline.  All disciplinary action needs to have repentance and training as its objective.  The responsibility for a child’s discipline, as with his education, is placed with the parent by God.  This responsibility is delegated to the school, as the school acts ‘in locus parentis’ (legally: the place of the parent).

When there is an ongoing disciplinary problem the school will discuss this with the parents and a joint strategy to assist the child is decided upon.

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School Fees

Email:     to get an application form and the latest School Fees

About Curriculum

A.C.E. Diagnosis and Prescription
Are your students really mastering basic math, English, social studies, science, and spelling skills? Could there be some learning gaps that have not been identified? Accelerated Christian Education® diagnostic testing begins with simple concepts and continues through more advanced thinking. Successful completion of the tests indicates readiness for high school level curriculum.
A doctor must diagnose a patient’s physical needs before prescribing proper treatment. In much the same way, a student’s academic needs must be diagnosed before proper curriculum can be prescribed. Proper academic diagnosis and prescription is vital to a student’s achievement.
Each student entering the A.C.E. program is given diagnostic tests to determine skill and concept mastery. The diagnostic tests assist the evaluator in determining the student’s academic needs in each subject. After the student completes the diagnostic testing, he is given curriculum that meets and challenges him at his performance level.
Four academic areas are tested: math Levels 1-9, English Levels 1-8, reading Levels 1-8 (science, social studies, Bible Reading, and Literature and Creative Writing), and spelling Levels 2-9. These tests cover basic skills normally mastered before high school.
When weak areas are evident from the testing, the appropriate gap PACEs are prescribed to strengthen specific weaknesses. After completing the gap PACEs, the student progresses at his performance level. If he demonstrates mastery at all levels of testing, he has the ability to function at his chronological grade level.


What Is a PACE?

Individualization helps produce academic excellence. Students using the A.C.E. program continue to demonstrate above-average achievement. One reason is that they take responsibility for their own learning. Additionally, they receive character training in Biblical principles. Moreover, students using the A.C.E. program go on to higher education and into ministry and professional pursuits with confidence and a superb educational background.

Professional Expertise

The A.C.E. individualized curriculum has been carefully compiled to introduce children to concrete and abstract reasoning skills at appropriate age levels. A.C.E.’s experienced writers and editors have meticulously chosen grade level vocabulary and concepts that move in a mastery-based format from simple to complex and from concrete to abstract.

Three Levels of Learning

The Accelerated Christian Education staff wants children to be successful. But, more than this, A.C.E. provides the tools for training children so they can have the opportunity to be productive. The life of each child is too precious to be left to chance. Consequently, A.C.E. has invested millions of dollars developing a curriculum that can equip children so they will know how to think, act, and live.

A.C.E.’s individualized program introduces children to concrete and abstract reasoning skills at appropriate age levels in conjunction with maturation stages. Writers and editors have carefully developed a scope and sequence with vocabulary that moves from simple to complex and from concrete to abstract as students progress from kindergarten through graduation. This Christian curriculum is structured to include all three levels of the learning process: knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Knowledge - Before adolescence, children focus on each new concept from a mastery viewpoint—line upon line, precept upon precept; focus is on the who, what, where, and when of information. Educators refer to this information as the knowledge dimension. However, there is development from this stage of learning to cognitive learning.

Understanding - With adolescence, students concentrate on concepts that expand to the abstract or cognitive level; the focus is on why and how. This is referred to as the understanding dimension of life. Students learn not only facts (knowledge) but also how those facts relate to culture, science, and history (understanding).

Wisdom - Another, and perhaps the chief distinctive of the A.C.E. curriculum, is its focus on wisdom. Most curriculum publishers focus on knowledge (facts and information), and some publishers include understanding (relationship of information). Accelerated Christian Education curriculum is distinctive in its inclusion of wisdom as a deliberate aspect of the learning process.

The A.C.E. staff recognizes that the program and curriculum is God-given. We praise Him for His blessings in meeting the needs of our children one child at a time.

Barachel Christian Academy

Tel: 0114122258

Fax: 0866622591

18 Robinson St
Randfontein, 1759
South Africa


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